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NYSE – NextGen Bootcamp Day 2 and 3


photo 1 (3)Tuesday


Day 2 of my NYSE internship experience!  Off to an amazing start as I walked in for breakfast to find a table full of yogurt parfait, fruit, muffins, bagels, and so much more.  As I sat down with my humongous plate of food, the most well-respephoto 3 (4)cted woman on Wall Street walked through the doors and up to the podium.  Her name is Christina Sandler and she is the Executive VP of US Cash Equities for NYSE.  She talked about the history of the NYSE, the now, and where it’s going.


Around this time you would be able to find me back at my desk on the Capital Markets floor.  I sat here for two hours and cranked out enough research that would probably take the normal person more than a few hours.


I think this is my favorite part of the day because lunch is finally served!  I ate everything from caesar salad to macaroni and cheese.  Feargal O’Sullivan walked in the room and he is the Global Head of Alliances for NYSE Technologies.  He began discussing what exactly he does, what the NYSE Technologies does, and the importance of technology.  He ended his “lecture” by saying he was a history major and somehow ended up in the shoes he is wearing today.


1pm struck and it was time for me to head back up onto the Capital Markets floor to continue my research.  4 hours has never flown by so quickly.  I researched for 75% of it, talked with David-SVP of Capital Markets for 5% it, was walked through a pitch for 15% of it, and grabbed coffee for the last 5%.  If that doesn’t add up to 100% then please don’t hit me because I am absolutely terrible at math, and I admit it.photo 2 (4)

After 5 o’clock hit, I jumped back onto a subway and headed home.  Gianna and I grabbed dinner at 5 Napkin Burgers and crepes at a small crepe shop around the corner.  Then, I of course came back and passed out because I had another long day tomorrow….



All meals served get fancier by the minute.  Breakfast today was everything that was served the previous two days plus eggs, bacon, sausage, and potatoes.  The speaker today was David-the SVP of Capital Markets I was talking about earlier.  He went into deep detail aphoto 1bout the new acquisition behind ICE and NYSE Euronext.  He also gave the low down of what the capital markets segment of NYSE does and even gave a shout out to me and my partner on our project!


I’m going to just stop putting my details into this time slot because it’s always taken up by research!


Lunch got even more ridiculously fancier today as I ate steak, tomato with mozz, garden salad,  bread rolls, vegetables, and some other stuff.  I sat next to some of the business analysts and talked to them about college, grad school, jobs, interviews, internships, the whole 9 yards.


Back to the research.  I have never learned so much about IPOs, the economy, stocks, bonds, and trades in my life.  I lophoto 4 (3)ve this week…SO MUCH.


We got a tour of the Museum of Finance.  The museum is located on Wall Street and is the original Bank of New York.  A private bank where wealthy accounts were held and taken care of!  The museum held everything important from an original $100,000 bill to a class Bloomberg.


We photo 3 (3)met up with the business analysts again for dinner at Full Shilling.  The Full Shilling is a little pub-like place which was totally there since hundreds of years ago.  I chowed down on a salad and penne a la vodka and may I add that I was in complete heaven.

As soon as dinner ended, I headed back onto the 2 headed uptown to come back home.  As I’m sitting on Gianna’s couch typing this, watching Gossip Girl, and glancing at the NYC skyline from time to time, I have to admit, I love my life.  I love it here.  Working on Wall Street all week really empowers me, I’m definitely going to miss it.  But living in the city?  That excites me.

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