Feminism is the crazy radical notion that women, yes women, are people, yes people. We’re equal. We’re no better than men and men are no better than us. Equal.
I absolutely love the person I have become because I fought so hard to become her and the only reason I’m a feminist is because there are still ignorant, misogynistic, assholes in this world who somehow, in some part of their brain, truly believe women will never (and should never) be equal to that of a man.
We’re not fighting for strength, we already have that. We’re fighting for you to recognize that strength. We’re fighting for the C-suite that for the past 30 years a man has sat in every single day. We’re fighting for the ability to wear a low-cut top because we love it and NOT get whistled at..because that’s the right way to a girl’s heart, right? We’re fighting for the wage gap that unfortunately exists and we’re fighting for the recognition that we can do other things than clean and cook.
So while we are fighting for the recognition that we aren’t bossy, we just have awesome leadership skills, all we ask is that you support us. You push us to continue to hold onto our strength and remind us that we can do it. We’re not asking for too much, just a little support. We want you to be our advocates, our mentors, our sponsors.
For men, you need feminism too, by the way. You need it because you shouldn’t have to grow a pair to be looked at as courageous and brave. You need feminism because you don’t have to be told to “MAN UP!”
For women, you need feminism. You need it because society teaches us “don’t get raped” but what about “don’t rape”? You need it because you think calling a boy a girl is an insult. You need feminism because you still start your sentences off with “I think” when you know that you know.
We all need it because it engages in a unique conversation on all tables across the world. We all need it because women business owners employ 45% more people than ALL the fortune 500 companies combined.
Tagged: equality, Feminism, feminist, gender equality, girl power, strength