In the days, weeks, and months leading up to EMC World I was constantly reminded how amazed I will be, but to be quite honest, I was thinking “it can’t be that great”.
Well, I am sitting here with our editor for a daily digital news outlet as he is processing our “EMC World Day 1″ video and I cannot even explain to you how incredible this experience has been.
We landed yesterday around 11am PST in McCarran Intl Airport after a fairly bumpy ride. As soon as we got off the plane, EMC slapped us in the face with advertisement from every crevice of the airport you can imagine – some old fashion marketing for ya.
A few of us jumped in a cab with a guy who just moved to the US from Ethiopia – when asked what brought him to the States his response was “Well it’s not easy to get a job in Europe, the States is the only place where you can get a job really easily and you don’t even have to be a citizen!” #CueTheCricketsAndAwkwardLaughter
I’ve never been to Vegas so the entire car ride to our hotel I was like a dog out the window taking in as much of Sin City as I could. Once we got to our hotel we were thankfully able to check-in and head right upstairs to drop off bags, get washed up, and start our week.
Before I jump into the details of Sunday, can we just all take a second to look at my room?
So I explored my mini-mansion of a suite, unpacked my bags, and headed downstairs to grab lunch with a few girls on my team. Then it was time to get to work because I had my first interview lined up and waiting!
This week, I have the incredible opportunity to interview a few of the incredible EMCers who bring this show to life. The interviews are on-camera and will get published in our daily EMC in :60 episodes. I do this exact same thing during my normal “day job” but only on a weekly basis, not a daily! I will also be supporting all of our executive and customer interviews, capturing great photos for our live blogs, and helping out at the Women of World event. It may seem like a small job, but when I tell you I am non-stop for 10 hours a day, I promise you I am not kidding.
Watching the floor get set-up on Sunday was absolutely incredible. Literally the conference started yesterday and they did not begin building the floor until yesterday…like, okay. Apparently this is normal in a place like Vegas where everything is just incredible.
Today, Monday, was a lot less hectic than yesterday but just as busy if that makes sense. I’m wrapping up the day, as mentioned, with our editor but I’ll be heading out to a beach club down the street for a Press and Analyst Reception for the rest of the evening.
So EMC World, you’re already impressing me more than you can possibly imagine and I’m ready to continue “taking it all in” for the next few days.
Until next time,