From Thought Catalog
So here’s my advice for those of you who think of somebody they’ve lost at this very moment: Cherish their memory but don’t hold on too tight. It’s easy to get lost in the past and forget the present....
View ArticleRemembering September 11th
Thirteen years ago I was sitting in Mrs. Hauser’s 4th grade class with my fellow classmates when an announcement came over the loud-speaker to shut the windows, blinds, and lock the doors. At such a...
View ArticleI Will Always Be #LikeAGirl
I could have swore I published this months ago but when I found this still in my drafts, I’m going to take that as a “no Jessica, you didn’t.” So I apologize for the out-of-datedness. Here we go:...
View Article14 Things I Wish I Could Give My Friends
If I could give my friends 14 things that would last them forever, I know exactly what they would be: The original Nantucket picture (and the original camera roll from Conner’s 18th) so they always can...
View ArticleWord Focus Meditation
Meditation is the practice of focusing your thought process, most often for the purpose of introspection and attaining greater internal awareness. Through meditation you learn to determine where your...
View ArticleEMC Places in 25 Best Places to Work
Originally posted on The M&M Pursuit: Each year, Great Place to Work releases the best of the best companies to work for. Great Place to Work’s research and “Best Companies” recognition programs...
View ArticleLeaps of Faith
“There’s a reason we refer to “leaps of faith” – because the decision to consent to any notion of divinity is a mighty jump from the rational over to the unknowable, and I don’t care how diligently...
View ArticleMerry Christmas Eve
I’m laying in bed as I hear Santa wrapping up presents down the hall, the smell of homemade Italian sauce wafting smoothly through the air, and my sister twisting the candlelights in each window to a...
View Article4 Life Lessons Taylor Swift Taught Me in 2014
Originally posted on Tyler Conroy: 2014 was a milestone year in my life. I directed my first musical, graduated college in New York, got a full time job, and moved out of my childhood home. It was...
View Article23 Thoughts I’ll Definitely Have on Valentine’s Day
Saturday marks my favorite day of the year. Well not my favorite, Christmas and Fourth of July definitely come in the top, but Valentine’s Day has always come pretty close. I am not really sure what it...
View ArticleReporter Bootcamp: Introduce Yourself
This past Friday myself and a few others headed down to our work’s warehouse to attend a reporter bootcamp for the day. As part of my role, I spotlight various employees from across the globe each week...
View ArticleEMC World: Sunday Set-Up and Day 1
In the days, weeks, and months leading up to EMC World I was constantly reminded how amazed I will be, but to be quite honest, I was thinking “it can’t be that great”. Well, I am sitting here with our...
View Article1.13.2016
Some mahi mahi and sweet potatoes for dinner tonight – looks like one end of the potatoe may have dried up a bit! PS…Happy Birthday Jaime Rose!
View Article1.14.2016
Welcome to the world Aurno! So happy to have met you and can’t wait to see you grow!
View Article1.18.2016
Woke up to a blanket of snow in Boston. 4-6 inches on my car was fun to brush off this morning :)
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